Podcasting in the DMC Audio Studio

Rice professor Scott Solomon started a podcast of Wild World with Solomon in January 2023. Several of the podcast episodes were recorded in the DMC Audio Studio, such as Episode 7 – Launching to Space with Scott Parazynski. Tune in to listen to the interesting stories. “What separates a decent podcast from a good podcast is the audio quality, and you want to start with a good quality recording. DMC audio studio is very useful.” He said.

Katherine Wu, a Rice undergraduate student, interviewed Dr. April Carpenter, a physical therapist at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, in Fall 2020. The interview was conducted over Zoom. April recorded her voice on her iPhone. Katherine’s voiceover was recorded in the DMC Audio Studio. The published podcasting episode is available to view and listen to at https://www.metastasispodcast.com/the-martini.

Both of them use the recording with GarageBand.

Rice professor Tomás Q. Morín was interviewed by Arts & Letters Radio in the DMC Audio Studio

Rice English professor Tomás Q. Morín was interviewed about his most recent publication Machete by Arts & Letters Radio in the DMC Audio Studio on Nov. 18, 2021. The podcast episode Machete was Published on January 27, 2023 and is available to hear at  https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/show/arts-letters/2023-01-27/machete.

Portrait of Professor Tomás Q. Morín
Professor Tomás Q. Morín. Picture from Arts & Letters Radio website.

Arts & Letters Radio is located in Little Rock, AR, and is a regional NPR affiliate program that airs in the mid south.  Its podcast has a large national following. They have a total of about 500,000 listens a year. DMC was thrilled to facilitate the interview. When scheduling the interview, we mentioned that a Rice English professor was ever interviewed by BBC in 2018 and the interview was recorded in the DMC Audio Studio, Mary Ellen Kubit, the Producer at Arts & Letters Radio commented, “BBC is the industry standard, so we have great confidence on Rice’s end. ”

The interview was conducted remotely. The host at Arts & Letters Radio just needs the DMC to record the subject side of the interview . The host will record their side of the interview and they will do a tape sync.

The host called the professor over his cellphone. To have a clean audio recording of Prof. Morín’s answers, no bleeding from the host’s end, below is our settings.

To have the host and the professor to see each other during the interview, we also started a Zoom meeting. But the Zoom meeting was only used for the video. On our end, the audio for the Zoom meeting was disconnected.

ELEC 305 Spring 2017 Videos in Rice Digital Scholarship Archive

The DMC staff had the pleasure of assisting the Spring 2017 “Intro to Physical Electronics” (ELEC 305) class in creating instructional videos! In the “whiteboard animation” videos the students created, you will see various clever utilizations of software and hardware available in the DMC. Examples include our AverVision document camera, Nikon DSLR, and using Microsoft OneNote in conjunction with screen capturing software. All the videos have been made available in Rice Digital Scholarship Archive.

The “Thermoelectrics” video was made with AverVision document camera and can be viewed here.

“The Ugly OLEDuckling” video was with OneNote and OBS screen capturing software. It can be viewed here.

Click here to see the rest of the videos deposited in the Archive!

Please refer to the previous blog post to get more information on how to create whiteboard animations like these!

Several Approaches to Creating a Whiteboard Animation

A “Whiteboard Animation” is a great way to bring some fun into instructional material. Although it may seem daunting, creating a whiteboard animation can be easy – and you don’t need to be an artist to make it effective. Here at the DMC, we’ve created some guides and examples on how to create a whiteboard animation using various methods.


You can use PowerPoint to make a whiteboard animation without ever leaving the application. PowerPoint has built in drawing, animation, and recording functions. To learn more, you may read the guide here.

We have also put together a two-part video tutorial that you can watch below:

Document Camera

In the DMC audio studio, we have an AverVision document camera that can be used to quickly capture drawing and voiceover. There is a written guide here and a video tutorial you can watch below:

DLSR Camera

The most advanced way of creating a whiteboard animation would be to use a DSLR camera with studio lighting. Although it is the most difficult method, using a DSLR allows for higher quality and more control over lighting.


There are many more methods than the three listed above. You can see a brief overview of these other methods here. Please visit our YouTube channel to view example videos we’ve created, and feel free to contact us for further assistance or questions!

Transforming Electricity Procurement At Rice University (Spring 2016)

Transforming Electricity Procurement At Rice University, Richard Johnson, 2016 (Spring 2016): This video was created by Shari Smith, who used DMC video studio to record Richard Johnson’s shot using green screen. The voiceover narration of the video was recorded in DMC audio studio.

  • User’s Comments: “Thank you very much for your help and the use of the audio and video studios in the DMC…You rock! ” –Shari Smith

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Foreign Language Audio Tours (Spring 2016)

Audio tours about new installation of Rice gallery in two different languages (Spanish and Chinese) were recorded in DMC Audio Studio with the stand microphones and Audacity.
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  1. Links: http://www.ricegallery.org/audio-tours
  2. User’s Comments: “They were both done in your studios! We are so fortunate to have access to such amazing equipment and your help in working with the equipment and the software.” – Christine Medina.

CD Recording of The Rice Phiharmonics (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)

The Rice Philharmonics are Rice’s oldest a’capella group and this year is their 20th Anniversary. Every few years the group records a CD, and this time instead of having to pay and utilize an off-campus studio, the group used DMC Audio Studio.


User’s Comments: “…we love the central location of the DMC for our students, the sound-proof walls, convenient outlets, and the ease of rearranging the room for our purposes. Also, the fact that we can reserve the studio and know that no one will disturb us is very nice...” – Juan Sebastian Cruz

Podcast series “Cultures of Energy” on iTunes and Stitcher (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)

Two Anthropology professors Dominic Boyer and Cymene Howe launched a podcast series “Cultures of Energy” for Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences (CENHS) on iTunes. They plan to use DMC Audio Studio every other week to record a podcast episode.

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  1. DMC resources used: DMC Audio Studio. The professors used two stand microphones and Audacity to record conversations. They also used a Zoom H4N digital audio recorder in the studio to record three or more people meeting via Skype. See this guide.
  2. The podcast link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cultures-of-energy/id1073817284?mt=2
  3. User’s Comments:
    • A mention of DMC’s great facility at timecode of 00:00:30-00:00:42 in episode 3.Professor Boyer: “Taped live here in the basement of Rice University’s Fondren Library in the Digital Media Commons.”
      Professor Howe: “And a glorious Space but very very quiet.”
      Professor Boyer: “quiet, quiet as a mouse.”
    •  Another mention of DMC’s facility and DMC’s technical support at timecode of 00:00:36-00:00:53 in episode 4.Professor Howe: “We are, as usual, in the basement of Fondren Library, on the beautiful Rice University campus. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and shoutout to the Digital Media Center/Commons which has been providing us with a fantastic space and technical support.”