Podcasting in the DMC Audio Studio

Rice professor Scott Solomon started a podcast of Wild World with Solomon in January 2023. Several of the podcast episodes were recorded in the DMC Audio Studio, such as Episode 7 – Launching to Space with Scott Parazynski. Tune in to listen to the interesting stories. “What separates a decent podcast from a good podcast is the audio quality, and you want to start with a good quality recording. DMC audio studio is very useful.” He said.

Katherine Wu, a Rice undergraduate student, interviewed Dr. April Carpenter, a physical therapist at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, in Fall 2020. The interview was conducted over Zoom. April recorded her voice on her iPhone. Katherine’s voiceover was recorded in the DMC Audio Studio. The published podcasting episode is available to view and listen to at https://www.metastasispodcast.com/the-martini.

Both of them use the recording with GarageBand.

DMC collaborated with a Postdoc on creating a cover art for a journal article

Sohini Bhattacharyya, Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and Ph.D. in Materials Sciences, approached Mario Norton, DMC supervisor, for making a covert art for reclaiming precious minerals from batteries, which brought in a wonderful collaborative opportunity for both parties. The main idea of the image is that critical metals for energy, e.g., Li, Co, and Ni, can be recycled from Li-ion batteries using a green Deep Eutectic Solvent following a hydrogen bond mediated chloride coordination mechanism.1   Mario modeled it in Blender, rendered an image, and made the final touches in Photoshop. The image is published as an alternate cover art of  the May 8, 2023, Volume 11, Issue 18,  American Chemical Society publication “ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering”.


Alhashim, S. H., Bhattacharyya, S., Tromer, R., Kabbani, A., Babu, G., Oliveira, E. F., Galvao, D. S., & Ajayan, P. M. (2023). Mechanistic study of lithium-ion battery cathode recycling using deep eutectic solvents. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering11(18), 6914–6922. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c06571

Rice professor Tomás Q. Morín was interviewed by Arts & Letters Radio in the DMC Audio Studio

Rice English professor Tomás Q. Morín was interviewed about his most recent publication Machete by Arts & Letters Radio in the DMC Audio Studio on Nov. 18, 2021. The podcast episode Machete was Published on January 27, 2023 and is available to hear at  https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/show/arts-letters/2023-01-27/machete.

Portrait of Professor Tomás Q. Morín
Professor Tomás Q. Morín. Picture from Arts & Letters Radio website.

Arts & Letters Radio is located in Little Rock, AR, and is a regional NPR affiliate program that airs in the mid south.  Its podcast has a large national following. They have a total of about 500,000 listens a year. DMC was thrilled to facilitate the interview. When scheduling the interview, we mentioned that a Rice English professor was ever interviewed by BBC in 2018 and the interview was recorded in the DMC Audio Studio, Mary Ellen Kubit, the Producer at Arts & Letters Radio commented, “BBC is the industry standard, so we have great confidence on Rice’s end. ”

The interview was conducted remotely. The host at Arts & Letters Radio just needs the DMC to record the subject side of the interview . The host will record their side of the interview and they will do a tape sync.

The host called the professor over his cellphone. To have a clean audio recording of Prof. Morín’s answers, no bleeding from the host’s end, below is our settings.

To have the host and the professor to see each other during the interview, we also started a Zoom meeting. But the Zoom meeting was only used for the video. On our end, the audio for the Zoom meeting was disconnected.

Visualizing Data with Tableau Public

Dr. Paul Treacy teaches Social Policy Analysis course (SOPA 400). He wants to have training for his students on visualizing data using Tableau. His students don’t have a lot of experience in data visualization. Using National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Data (NSLY) data in Fall 2019 and Medical Expenditure Panel Study (MEPS) data in Fall 2020, Jane covered the basic workflow of using Tableau Public. Jane used hands-on activities to show students how to connect to data sources, how to create a line chart, a bar chart, a text table, and a map, how to create a dashboard, how to create a story, and how to save and share the created work. 

Viz of National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Data (NSLY) data

Viz of Medical Expenditure Panel Study(MEPS) data

Using Zotero to Manage Your Citations

Zotero is a free open-source citation management tool that helps collect, organize, cite and share research data. DMC has been supporting Zotero by offering workshops and consultations since 2006. In Spring 2020, Fondren Library has strengthened its support for Zotero by subscripting to Zotero storage as an institution. That means when you use Zotero and choose to synchronize your notes, attached files, and bibliographic records across devices, you don’t have to worry about running out of the limited free Zotero file syncing storage, or buying your own Zotero file syncing storage, or figuring out third party options. All Rice Zotero users now have unlimited file syncing storage. 

The Zotero workshop covers the basic workflow of using Zotero. It begins with installation of Zotero to ensure each student can use the application on his/her own computer. It then uses hands-on activities to show how to get book items and journal items into Zotero, how to organize stuff within Zotero, and how to cite with the help of Zotero. At the end, it briefly talks about Zotero’s sync and group features. The workshop can be customized to suit a class’s specific needs. In general, it takes about 45 minutes to 75 minutes. 

Upon faculty’s request, the Zotero workshop has been offered for many different courses over semesters. In a feedback email, a faculty wrote “My students turned in their bibliographies, and all of them used Zotero!” Another faculty commented “My graduate students love it. They wish they had known it earlier.”

Below are some of the courses that have had Zotero workshops. 

  • BIOC 112 Dr. Beth Beason-Abmayr
  • BIOC 587 Dr. Mary Purugganan
  • FWIS 147 Dr. Julie Fette
  • FWIS 152 Dr. Mary Purugganan
  • HIST 308 Dr. Michael Maas
  • HIST 575 Dr. Alida Metcalf
  • KINE 120 Dr. Amanda Perkins-Ball
  • LASR 251 Dr. Alida Metcalf
  • LING 499 Dr. Michel Achard
  • UNIV 600 Dr. Jennifer Wilson

Visualizing 2018 Library Survey of All Students Data with Tableau

  • The 2018 Library Survey of All Students Data includes three surveys: undergraduates (SAS), exiting seniors (SES), and graduate students (GRSAS). Users are able to filter responses by the three groups.
  • Since all of the multiple-choice questions had a five-point scale, we assigned values of 1 (most negative response) to 5 (most positive response) to each student response to assign average values to each option. This helps us show what in Fondren is most and least important to students.
  • The open text responses were coded into general categories (i.e. positive, neutral, and feedback), which can also be filtered and browsed.

If the embedded Viz doesn’t work well, click on the following link to view it.



Media Coverage of the DMC