Recording Vocal For Audition Using DMC Equipment

A group of PhD students majoring Vocals from Shepherd Music School learned about DMC resources from the introduction DMC director Jane Zhao gave during graduate student orientation at the beginning of the school year. Lindsay Brown was one of many who took advantage of DMC equipment and software to shoot and edit their audition videos and were very happy with the video and audio quality. Not only they got advices from the DMC staff members about what equipment is best for shooting musical performance and how to set up and use the equipment, they also got hand-by-hand help when it came to edit and audio/video synchronization in professional video editing software Final Cut Pro X.

Below is a snippet of Lindsay’s recording:





DMC Equipment used: Canon Vixia Video Camera, Zoom H4n, Velbon Tripod
DMC Software used: Final Cut Pro X for trimming and AV sync.


Support of Creating Animated Videos for FWIS Class Assignment (Spring, 2016)

K.Belik Ph.D, a Lecturer of Center for Written, Oral and Visual Communication at Rice University assigned students to create a short video for a FWIS class assignment. Some students created animated videos. A few groups borrowed DMC equipment to record footage. One group created whiteboard animation using hand drawing technique. Below are the snippets of this group’s final video.

DMC resources used for the video are:

  • DMC Video/Photography Studio: used the lighting and the space to record video.
  • DMC Audio Studio: used to record voiceover narration.
  • DMC Equipment: Canon DSLR camera and tripod to record hand drawing footage.
  • DMC Software: students used iMovie on DMC workstation 2 to edit the footage, applied fast motion and other special effects.


Flipped Classroom in First-Year Engineering Design Course ENGI 120 (summer of 2015, summer of 2016)

In ENGI 120, a team of faculty at Rice University and other institutions has created instructional resources to support a flipped classroom model for first-year engineering design. Matthew Wettergreen, a lecture of Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen at Rice University, and Dr. Ann Saterbak, a professor of Bioengineering at Rice University, have been piloting a number of class periods in the format of flipped classroom since 2015. Their lectures were recorded in the DMC Video/Photography Studio.

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Transforming Electricity Procurement At Rice University (Spring 2016)

Transforming Electricity Procurement At Rice University, Richard Johnson, 2016 (Spring 2016): This video was created by Shari Smith, who used DMC video studio to record Richard Johnson’s shot using green screen. The voiceover narration of the video was recorded in DMC audio studio.

  • User’s Comments: “Thank you very much for your help and the use of the audio and video studios in the DMC…You rock! ” –Shari Smith

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Certified Electronic Diploma (CeDiploma) Video Project (Spring 2016)

Rice Office of the Registrar created this promotional video to promote this newly added diploma – Certified Electronic Diplomas (CeDiploma). The video was recorded in the DMC Video/Photography Studio with the support of DMC staff who helped to set up the lighting and the green screen background.

DMC resources used: DMC Video/Photography Studio


User’s Comments: “….Thank you again for your support and help. The DMC is a wonderful Rice asset! ” –Shari Smith

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Critical Thinking in Sexuality (12/2015-1/2016)

This video project was to facilitate an in depth conversation about sexual assault on our campus and the culture of living at Rice with different backgrounds. A series of video interviews was conducted in DMC Video/Photography Studio.

  • DMC resources used:
    • DMC Video/Photography Studio
    • Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM Professional Camcorder
    • Manfrotto MVH502A Fluid Head and 546B Tripod System
    • Sennheiser MKE600 Condenser Shotgun Microphone
  • Links:

  • User’s Comments: “My name is Angela Masciale and I’m a graduating Senior from Hanszen College majoring in Political Science. My experience using the DMC resources has been a rewarding experience. I wish I would’ve known about the ease of renting materials and completing projects with the help of DMC staff. Our project under the Critical Thinking in Sexuality Task Force relied heavily upon the grace of the staff, their patience, and their incredible resources. We rented out cameras and the private production room for two whole days for over 20 hours of filming. Not only were the staff critical in helping us set up the room, but the student employees were very patient with us when we had an issue arise. After our project was edited [we] premiered our videos in the Kyle Morrow Room to open student discussion on the impact and subject matter of what students at Rice have to say about issues regarding sexual assault, consent, and general education. Thank you again,” – Angela Masciale

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Secondary Mutations Suppressing Peroxisomal Defects Of an Arabidopsis Pex6 Mutant (3/29/2016)

This 2 minutes research video was made with DMC support by Kendall Burks, a junior majoring in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. Kendall works as an undergraduate researcher in a lab here on campus.  She is currently involved in a research-based scholarship program, and she will be attending a conference this summer to present her work.  Each year, the scholarship organization reviews applications for scholarship recipients to give a formal talk at the summer conference. Kendall has been in the process of completing this application, part of which consists of a video.  The video Kendall created with the help of the DMC describes her research progression and why she should be chosen to present her research at the conference this summer.

  • DMC resources used:
    • DMC Video/Photography Studio
    • Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM Professional Camcorder
    • Manfrotto MVH502A Fluid Head and 546B Tripod System
    • Sennheiser MKE600 Condenser Shotgun Microphone
    • Final Cut Pro X for post production
  • The link to the organization that gave Kendall the scholarship:

  • User’s Comments: “Working with the DMC was easy and fun.  The staff was incredibly friendly and helpful, and I found many of the resources there very valuable, especially the recording studio.  With the help of the DMC, I was able to create a high quality product I am proud to submit for consideration in a competitive application process.” – Kendall Burks

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Foreign Language Audio Tours (Spring 2016)

Audio tours about new installation of Rice gallery in two different languages (Spanish and Chinese) were recorded in DMC Audio Studio with the stand microphones and Audacity.
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  1. Links:
  2. User’s Comments: “They were both done in your studios! We are so fortunate to have access to such amazing equipment and your help in working with the equipment and the software.” – Christine Medina.

CD Recording of The Rice Phiharmonics (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)

The Rice Philharmonics are Rice’s oldest a’capella group and this year is their 20th Anniversary. Every few years the group records a CD, and this time instead of having to pay and utilize an off-campus studio, the group used DMC Audio Studio.


User’s Comments: “…we love the central location of the DMC for our students, the sound-proof walls, convenient outlets, and the ease of rearranging the room for our purposes. Also, the fact that we can reserve the studio and know that no one will disturb us is very nice...” – Juan Sebastian Cruz