Rice professor Tomás Q. Morín was interviewed by Arts & Letters Radio in the DMC Audio Studio

Rice English professor Tomás Q. Morín was interviewed about his most recent publication Machete by Arts & Letters Radio in the DMC Audio Studio on Nov. 18, 2021. The podcast episode Machete was Published on January 27, 2023 and is available to hear at  https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/show/arts-letters/2023-01-27/machete.

Portrait of Professor Tomás Q. Morín
Professor Tomás Q. Morín. Picture from Arts & Letters Radio website.

Arts & Letters Radio is located in Little Rock, AR, and is a regional NPR affiliate program that airs in the mid south.  Its podcast has a large national following. They have a total of about 500,000 listens a year. DMC was thrilled to facilitate the interview. When scheduling the interview, we mentioned that a Rice English professor was ever interviewed by BBC in 2018 and the interview was recorded in the DMC Audio Studio, Mary Ellen Kubit, the Producer at Arts & Letters Radio commented, “BBC is the industry standard, so we have great confidence on Rice’s end. ”

The interview was conducted remotely. The host at Arts & Letters Radio just needs the DMC to record the subject side of the interview . The host will record their side of the interview and they will do a tape sync.

The host called the professor over his cellphone. To have a clean audio recording of Prof. Morín’s answers, no bleeding from the host’s end, below is our settings.

To have the host and the professor to see each other during the interview, we also started a Zoom meeting. But the Zoom meeting was only used for the video. On our end, the audio for the Zoom meeting was disconnected.

One thought on “Rice professor Tomás Q. Morín was interviewed by Arts & Letters Radio in the DMC Audio Studio

  1. M. E. Kubit March 25, 2023 / 2:18 am

    Jane– Thank you again for recording Prof. Morin. We really appreciate you and it was great to work with the DMC at Rice!

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