The DMC will offer a custom in-class workshop of Using Juxtapose for Before/After Image Comparisons to HRC Spatial Humanities class at the end of January. JuxtaposeJS is one of a series of tools for content creators produced by the Northwestern University Knight Lab. It is a JavaScript library for making before/after image sliders. When preparing the workshop, Jane collected a few photos of before-and-after-DMC-move-to-FondrenB42. Take a look at the interesting photos below and learn the DMC location/space change over time. Note the DMC moved back to Fondren basement in January 2015. DMC moved into Herring Hall 129 in March 2005 and stayed there for 10 years before moving back.
DMC Floor Plan
DMC Entrance Door
DMC Service Desk to Lab
DMC Audio Studio
DMC Audio Studio, Inside Look
DMC Classroom